
Ferrite is a non-metallic magnetic material, also called iron oxide. It is composed of ferric oxide and one or more other metal oxides (for example: nickel oxide, zinc oxide, manganese oxide, magnesium oxide, oxide Barium, strontium oxide, etc.) is prepar
Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional ferrite manufacturer. The company’s products mainly include ring, square, round and other series. In order to meet the needs of various industries in the national economy for magnetic mater
The ferrite cube is also called iron oxide. It is made of ferric oxide and one or more other metal oxides (for example: nickel oxide, zinc oxide, manganese oxide, magnesium oxide, barium oxide, strontium oxide, etc.) Sintered. Its relative permeability ca
Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional magnetic material factory. The company's products mainly include ring, square, round and other series. In order to meet the increasing demand for magnetic materials, especially permanen
Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of magnets. The company's products mainly include ring, square, round and other series. In order to meet the increasing demand for magnetic materials, especially permanent






address: Dongyang six stone street Songgang functional area Hu Lian East Street 1207

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Technical Support: Hangzhou Creative
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