
Magnet manufacturer


Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of magnets. The company's products mainly include ring, square, round and other series. In order to meet the increasing demand for magnetic materials, especially permanent magnet ferrites, in various industries in the national economy We are working hard to develop high-performance products and other series of products that meet the needs of different users. At the same time, we can produce and meet the special models, specifications, sizes and special requirements of different users. . Integrity management, wide-ranging users. Welcome to come, call or write to contact. The composition of magnets is iron, cobalt, nickel and other atoms. The internal structure of the atoms is relatively special, and the atoms themselves have magnetic moments. Under normal circumstances, these mineral molecules The arrangement is chaotic. And their magnetic regions affect each other and show no magnetism, but under the guidance of external force (such as a magnetic field), the arrangement direction of their molecules will tend to be the same, and their magnetism will be clearly displayed, which is what we usually do. Commonly known as a magnet.






address: Dongyang six stone street Songgang functional area Hu Lian East Street 1207

Copyright ?2020 Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Material(Group)Stock Co.,Ltd.
Technical Support: Hangzhou Creative
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