
Magnetic Material Factory


Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional magnetic material factory. The company's products mainly include ring, square, round and other series. In order to meet the increasing demand for magnetic materials, especially permanent ferrites, in all walks of life in the national economy The needs of high-performance products and other series of products are being developed hard.

At the same time, we can produce and meet different users' special models, specifications, sizes and special requirements of permanent ferrite components. Magnetic materials are composed of ferromagnetic materials or ferrimagnetic materials. Under the action of an external magnetic field H, there must be The corresponding magnetization intensity M or magnetic induction intensity B, their change curve with the magnetic field intensity H is called the magnetization curve (M~H or B~H curve). Generally speaking, the magnetization curve is nonlinear and has two characteristics: magnetic saturation phenomenon And the phenomenon of hysteresis. That is, when the magnetic field intensity H is large enough, the magnetization intensity M reaches a certain saturation value Ms, continue to increase H, Ms remains unchanged; and when the M value of the material reaches saturation, the external magnetic field H decreases to At zero, M does not return to zero, but changes along the MsMr curve. The working state of the material is equivalent to a certain point on the M~H curve or B~H curve, which is often called the working point.






address: Dongyang six stone street Songgang functional area Hu Lian East Street 1207

Copyright ?2020 Dongyang Changsong Magnetic Material(Group)Stock Co.,Ltd.
Technical Support: Hangzhou Creative
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